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Effects of dietary antioxidant of tomato extract and lycopene on Carassius auratus and Xiphophorus maculatus

Effects of dietary antioxidant of tomato extract and lycopene on Carassius auratus and Xiphophorus maculatus

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Montoya M, C., Vega V, F., Nolasco S, H., Espinosa C, L., Carrillo F, O., & Olvera U, F. (2014). Effects of dietary antioxidant of tomato extract and lycopene on Carassius auratus and Xiphophorus maculatus. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 19(2), 4059-4071.

Cynthia Montoya M
Fernando Vega V
Héctor Nolasco S
Luis Espinosa C
Olimpia Carrillo F
Felicitas Olvera U


Objective. Evaluate the effect on tegument pigmentation, survival, growth and antioxidant capacity in diets supplemented with tomato extract and lycopene as additives in experimental feed for Carassius auratus and Xiphophorus maculatus. Materials and methods. The additives were added in different concentrations to a basic diet. We performed beginning and an ending biometrics for 100% of the population in each bioassay. The growth and survival of organisms were evaluated. The antioxidant capacity was analyzed by ABTS assay, both in the tomato extract sample as well as in foods used in different bioassays. The concentration of lycopene was determined in food and liver and muscle samples of fish fed with it. Acquired pigmentation of fish was assessed through photographs analyzed with Adobe Photoshop®. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance, and when differences were found (p<0.05) the means were compared by the Tukey test. Results. No significant effect (p>0.05) on pigmentation and growth of the organisms under the established experimental conditions was obtained. Significant differences in antioxidant capacity (p<0.05) were obtained in foods with added lycopene. Conclusions. The inclusion of lycopene or tomato extract in food for the organisms used is not recommended to improve pigmentation, but further studies are needed to demonstrate antioxidant effect.

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