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Effect of energy sources on the apparent total tract digestibility and excretion of nutrients by bovine cattle

Effect of energy sources on the apparent total tract digestibility and excretion of nutrients by bovine cattle

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Romero S, L., Rodrigues, P. H., Marino, C. T., Pinedo, L. A., Martins, M. F., Cassiano, E. C., & Perna Jr, F. (2014). Effect of energy sources on the apparent total tract digestibility and excretion of nutrients by bovine cattle. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 19(2), 4072-4085.

Laura Romero S
Paulo HM Rodrigues
Carolina T Marino
Lerner A Pinedo
Maurício F Martins
Eduardo CO Cassiano
Flavio Perna Jr


Objective. To evaluate the effect of three energy sources on the intake, total apparent digestibility and excretion of nutrients in cattle diet. Materials and methods. Six ruminally cannulated cows (730 ± 70 kg) were distributed into three treatments in a replicated 3x3 Latin square experimental design, where: (I) Control: Low ether extract diet (3.50% EE); (II) Soybean: High ether extract diet (5.30% EE) with inclusion of 15% soybean and (III) Citrus pulp: Low ether extract diet (3.00% EE) and high pectin involvement with inclusion of 15% citrus pulp. To determine the digestibility of DM and its fractions, chromic oxide was used as a marker. Nutrient excretion was calculated from the digestibility coefficient of each fraction. Results. The soybean treatment reduced (p<0.05) dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen-free extract and organic matter intake and increased ether extract intake. There was no effect (p>0.05) of the energy source on the digestibility coefficients of DM, CP, NDF, EE, NFE or OM. The TDN value was higher for the soybean treatment. The excretion of DM, NFE and OM was lower (p<0.05) for the soybean treatment. All energy sources influenced the excretion of crude protein. Conclusions. The energy sources used did not affect the digestibility of the diets and are indicated as high potential sources to be used in cattle.

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