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The effect of Glycoline® on reproductive efficiency in high-producing dairy cows

The effect of Glycoline® on reproductive efficiency in high-producing dairy cows

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R. Del Campo, M., Gonzalez T, M., Andresen, H., & Cea, F. A. (2016). The effect of Glycoline® on reproductive efficiency in high-producing dairy cows. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 21(1), 5163-5176.

Marcelo R. Del Campo
Marco Gonzalez T
Hans Andresen
Freddy A. Cea


Objective. Determine the effect of Glycoline® on reproductive efficiency in high producing dairy cows. Materials and methods. 100 Holstein cows one month before delivery were selected. About 21 days before parturition they were put in a barn and were randomized in two groups: Glycoline® Group (GG, n=50), 300 g/day of Glycoline® for 21 days antepartum and 250 g/day of GlycoLine® over the following 21 days postpartum, and the Control Group (CG, n=50) with the same feed and silage ration as GG during the same period, but without the addition of Glycoline®. Events and reproductive variables of the cows were recorded for 202 days. The data were systematized, analyzed and statistically compared. Results. Comparisons were made between GG and CG respectively: Retained placenta (0.0 vs. 12.0%; p=0.027), downer cow syndrome (14.3 vs. 44.0%; p=0.002), uterine involution (64.6 vs. 36.4%; p=0.019 ), uterine infection (10.4% vs. 35.5%; p=0.006), no ovarian activity (6.3 vs. 25.6%; p=0.018), follicular cysts (0.0 vs. 18.2%, p = 0.002), luteal structures (25.0 vs. 9.3% ; p=0.058), mean estrus presentation (40.1% vs. 63.5%; p=0.033) inseminated females (79.6 vs. 68.0%; p=0.017), pregnancy rate at day 150 (57.1 vs. 46.0%; p≥0.317 ) and intervals (days): calving to 1st estrus (39.8 vs. 63.2; p≤0.006), calving to IA (62.4 vs. 87.5; p≤0.006) calving to conception (81.7 vs. 93.6; p≤0.006; p=0.103). Conclusions. Results suggest that dietary Glycoline® added in the transition period improves reproductive efficiency of high-producing dairy cows.


Objetivos. Determinar el efecto del Glycoline® sobre la eficiencia reproductiva en vacas lecheras de alta producción. Materiales y Métodos. Se seleccionaron 100 vacas Holstein un mes antes del parto. Alrededor de 21 días antes del parto se ubicaron en un establo y se asignaron al azar a dos Grupos: Grupo Glycoline® (GG; n=50), 300 g/día de Glycoline® durante 21 días preparto y 250 g/día de Glycoline® durante los siguientes 21 días posparto y Grupo Control (GC, n=50) la misma ración de concentrado y ensilaje que el GG durante el mismo período de tiempo, pero sin la adición de Glycoline®. Se registraron los eventos y las variables reproductivas de las vacas durante 202 días. Los datos fueron sistematizados, analizados y comparados estadísticamente. Resultados. Comparaciones entre el GG y GC respectivamente: Retención de placenta (0,0 vs 12.0%; p=0.027), síndrome de vaca caída (14.3 vs 44.0%; p=0.002), involución uterina (64.6 vs 36.4%; p=0.019), infección uterina (10.4% vs 35.5%; p=0.006), sin actividad ovárica (6.3 vs 25.6%; p=0.018), quistes foliculares (0.0 vs 18.2%, p=0.002), estructuras luteales (25.0 vs 9.3%; p=0.058), promedio presentación de celo (40.1% vs 63.5%; p=0.033), hembras inseminadas (79.6 vs 68.0%; p=0.017), tasa de preñez al día 150 (57.1 vs 46.0%; p≥0.317) y intervalos de tiempo (días): parto 1er -celo (39.8 vs 63.2; p≤0.006), parto-IA (62.4 vs 87.5; p≤0.006) y parto-preñez (81.7 vs 93.6; p≤0.006; p=0.103). Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que el Glycoline® adicionado en la dieta en el período de transición, mejora la eficiencia reproductiva de vacas de alta producción.

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