Molecular detection of Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus in mosquitoes from La Pintada (Antioquia)
Molecular detection of Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus in mosquitoes from La Pintada (Antioquia)
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Objective. The detection of emerging and re-emerging arboviruses in mosquitoes from urban and rural areas, is fundamental for predict possible epidemic outbreaks in human populations. The Municipality of La Pintada (Antioquia), is characterized by the presence of dry tropical forest relicts, fishing, tourism, farms and mining. An entomological research was performed for explore the possible circulation of arboviruses of public health importance. Materials and methods. Mosquitoes were captured in urban and rural sites in February-April of 2012. The specimens were stored in liquid nitrogens tanks and were grouped using taxonomic keys for genera. RNA extraction from pools and generic/nested RT-PCR was performed for Flavivirus, Alphavirus, Orthobunyavirus (Group Bunyamwera) and Phlebovirus. Results. 1274 mosquitoes were collected, mainly belonging to Culex and Aedes genera. RNA extracts of 64 pools were tested by RT-PCR and one pool was positive for Alphavirus. Sequencing of the RT- PCR product and the analysis with sequences storage in GenBank designate the presence of Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV). Conclusions. This is the first record of natural infection from EEEV in mosquitoes from La Pintada (Antioquia), an area with ecological elements that favor the emergence of emerging and re-emerging arboviruses of medical and veterinarian importance.
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