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Parasites in dairy cattle farms in southern Brazil

Parasites in dairy cattle farms in southern Brazil

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Pascoeti, R., Soldá, N. M., Sczesny, T. R., Machado, G., Zamperete Reginato, C., Camillo, G., Flores Vogel, F., Simioni, F. J., Samia Lopes, L., Fatima Fávero, J., & Schafer Da Silva, A. (2016). Parasites in dairy cattle farms in southern Brazil. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 21(2), 5304-5315.

Roger Pascoeti
Natan Marcos Soldá
Tais Regina Sczesny
Gustavo Machado
Caroline Zamperete Reginato
Giovana Camillo
Fernanda Flores Vogel
Flávio José Simioni
Leandro Samia Lopes
Juscivete Fatima Fávero
Aleksandro Schafer Da Silva

Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation among type and size of the farms related to the management of production and especially the presence and control of parasites. Materials and methods. To accomplish the above, 65 farms were used: 56 of semi-extensive system (cows in pastures), classified as low density farms (n=15, up to 15/cows), medium density farms (n=20; between 16-30/cows) and large density farms (n=21; over 31/cows). It was also included nine farms freestall system (n=9; confinement, over 70 cows) as part of the study population. Results. In the farms visited for the study can be noticed that the farms that had the higher level of technological improvement in managements practice were properties in high level (3) and freestall (4). In most of the farms there were observed the presence of ticks and flies, regardless of density of farms. Feces samples collected from 650 cows (n=10/farm), and analyzed using McMaster showed that 191 cows were positive for parasites. The presence of antibodies in bulk milk tank occurred in 36 (55.38%; CI95% 42-67) to Neospora caninum of the studied farms. Conclusions. We also conclude that N. caninum is present in cattle herds in Western Santa Catarina, and may be linked to reproductive problems in cows.

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