Non-genetic effects on growth characteristics of Brahman cattle
Non-genetic effects on growth characteristics of Brahman cattle
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Objective. To determine how some non-genetic factors influence weights at birth (BW), weaning (WW) and yearling (YW) of Brahman calves. Materials and methods. Data corresponding to 58257, 57045 and 40364 for BW, WW and YW, respectively, were analyzed. The models included the effects of year and season of birth and sex, and were considered simple interactions. Results. All effects were significant (p<0.05) for BW, WW and YW. Only the season of birth didn’t have a significant effect (p>0.05) on WW. The average general BW, WW and YW were 32±3.2, 188±37.7 and 291±56.8 kg, respectively. Variables evaluated that take into account the year of birth show a trend to increase weight each year. In relation to the birth season on BW and YW, it was observed that calves born during the rainy season were heavier than those born during the dry season. Similarly, male calves were heavier than females at birth, weaning and one year of age. The effects of the analyzed interactions were significant (p<0.05) for the three variables, except for the season of birth per sex interaction, which did not have a significant effect (p>0.05) for BW and WW. Conclusions. The studied non-genetic factors were important and should be taken into account in management strategies when striving to increase the efficiency of the productive system.
Key words: Zebu, birth weight, weaning weight, year weight. (Source: AIMS)
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