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Anisakis physeteris y Pseudoterranova decipiens en el pez Mugil Curema comercializado en Tumaco, Colombia

Anisakis physeteris and Pseudoterranova decipiens in the Mugil curema fish caught in Tumaco, Colombia

Cómo citar
Jenniffer Alejandra, Rubén, Sebastián, María Carolina, & Liliana. (2020). Anisakis physeteris y Pseudoterranova decipiens en el pez Mugil Curema comercializado en Tumaco, Colombia. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 25(2), e1781.


Objective: Identification nematodes Anisakidae family in Mugil curema fish. Materials and methods: For this study, 16 Lisa fish (Mugil curema) were obtained from the port of Tumaco, a city on the Colombian Pacific coast. Morphological identification of larvae was made by classical taxonomy and the percentage of larval infestation was calculated. For molecular identification, a multiplex PCR was carried out with primers for six species, Anisakis physeteris, Pseudoterranova decipiens, Anisakis simplex sensu stricto, Contracaecum osculatum, Hysterothylacium aduncum and Anisakis pegreffii. Results: The taxonomic revision enabled the identification of type II larvae of the genus Anisakis and larvae of the genus Pseudoterranova. The larvae were isolated mainly from the intestine, where it was found that 94% of the fish were parasitized by anisakid nematodes. The multiplex PCR enabled the identification of the species A. physeteris (Larva type II), and P. decipiens. Conclusions: This study in the first report of nematode Anisakidae on Tumaco, Colombia. These results provide a compelling justification for further study into the Anisakidae family in Colombia, as a public health problem

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