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Influence of gastrointestinal parasitism on biochemical variables in blood of laying hens

Influence of gastrointestinal parasitism on biochemical variables in blood of laying hens

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Topázio, J. P., Campigotto, G., Boiago, M. M., Machado, G., Paiano, D., Tonin, A. A., & da Silva, A. S. (2015). Influence of gastrointestinal parasitism on biochemical variables in blood of laying hens. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 20(supl), 4864-4873.

Josué P Topázio
Gabriela Campigotto
Marcel M Boiago
Gustavo Machado
Diovani Paiano
Alexandre A Tonin
Aleksandro S da Silva


Objective. This study describes the influence of endoparasites and diet on biochemical variables in sera of brown laying hens. Materials and methods. Biochemical parameters (seric levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, uric acid, albumin, and alanine aminotransferase activity) were assessed in blood samples of poultry. Three populations of laying hens of different properties (n=20 each) represented our experimental design, from which blood (serum) and feces were collected for biochemical and parasitological analyzes, respectively. Results. From 60 feces samples evaluated 49 were positive for the presence of parasites and 11 were negative. Among the positive samples, 23 had infection with Eimeria spp and the other 26 samples had mixed parasitism with Eimeria spp and Heterakis gallinarum, which influenced (increasing) the levels of total protein and globulin. However, when parasites were analyzed separately, it was observed that the infection by Eimeria spp affected parameters such as cholesterol (which increased, p=0.001) and triglycerides, showing lower results than when the hen was parasitized by Eimeria spp. (p=0.01). Significant (p<0.05) difference was observed in all biochemical variables when the three diets were compared. Conclusions. Our results allowed concluding that the parasitic infection and diet in laying hens influenced the results of serum biochemical parameters evaluated. The main conclusion we found that parasitism caused an increase in total protein and globulin (ie immune response), and there was a negative correlation between parasite load and albumin, uric acid and ALT.

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