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Genetic diversity detection of the domestic horse (Equus caballus) by genes associated with coat color

Genetic diversity detection of the domestic horse (Equus caballus) by genes associated with coat color

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Correa A, L., Reyes E, C., Pardo P, E., & Cavadia M, T. (2015). Genetic diversity detection of the domestic horse (Equus caballus) by genes associated with coat color. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 20(3), 4779-4789.

Luz Correa A
Cindy Reyes E
Enrique Pardo P
Teodora Cavadia M


Objective. To assess the population structure and genetic diversity in populations of domestic horse (Equus caballus) in the municipality Cienaga de Oro-Córdoba (Colombia). Materials and methods. Random sampling were conducted between August and October 2013, in adult animals on farms seven districts, which was carried out phenotypic characterization of each animal, based on autosomal markers encoding morphological Extension (E) , Agouti (A), Cream (C), White (W), Gray (G), Tobiano (TO), Overo (O) and Roan (RN). Population genetic parameters: allele frequency, genetic diversity, gene flow, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and genetic distance were calculated through the program POPGENE 1.31; the genetic structure was assessed using the program FSTAT v. Results. 341 individuals were analyzed in the seven populations studied, where the Extension gene Was the MOST faq frequently as the Overo and Tobiano genes showed the lowest values. Insignificant values of genetic variability and population recorded a global level, likewise, low genetic differentiation among populations, accompanied by a high gene flow was obtained; an excess of heterozygotes at population and global level was observed; to this is added the presence of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all populations relative to the markers studied and low genetic distance values were reported. Conclusions. The populations are highly genetically related, a situation that may result from the existing geographical proximity between them, favoring genetic exchange and the establishment of a metapopulation.

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