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Curve control, development and phenotypic bad formations in poodle the city of Medellin

Curve control, development and phenotypic bad formations in poodle the city of Medellin

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Ortiz Á J. (2015). Curve control, development and phenotypic bad formations in poodle the city of Medellin. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 20(3), 4807-4814.

José Ortiz Á


Objective. Quantifying phenotypic malformations and make a curve control and development of the breed Poodle puppies in the city of Medellin. Materials and methods. We analyzed 60 individuals, 30 females and 30 males were measured and weighed from 2 to 12 months of age with these data, build a table and a control growth curve and after about 12 months of age there were the Phenotypic malformations, which are considered by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and Cynological International (FCI). Results. Of the specimens analyzed, 10% had bone spurs, cryptorchidism 20%, 5% had polidoncia a year old, with teeth retained teeth more often. Conclusions. In an effort to find examples of smaller faults have been committed at the time of mating, resulting in increased phenotypic malformations found in the study, this work also provide veterinarians, another tool for assessing pediatric puppies Poodle race in the city of Medellin.

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