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Use of ground and extruded canola seeds in feed for 15-30 kg piglets

Use of ground and extruded canola seeds in feed for 15-30 kg piglets

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Scherer, C., Furlan, A., Moreira, I., Poveda P, A., Carvalho, P., & Toledo, J. (2015). Use of ground and extruded canola seeds in feed for 15-30 kg piglets. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 20(1), 4406-4414.

Carina Scherer
Antonio Furlan
Ivan Moreira
Angela Poveda P
Paulo Carvalho
Juliana Toledo

Objective. Determine the nutritional values of ground (SCI) or extruded (SCE) canola seed and evaluate its use in the performance of piglets from 15 to 30 kg. Materials and methods. Two experimental diets with canola seed were evaluated in a digestibility trial. We used 15 barrows with an initial weight of 19.79±1.43kg, distributed in a completely randomized design. In the performance, four experimental diets were evaluated consisting of a diet with soybean oil added (RAS), one with the of addition of canola oil (RAC) and two oil-free; one with 11% SCI included and one with 6% SCE (RSCE) included. 40 commercial hybrid piglets were used that had 15.25±1.5kg initial body weight, randomly distributed, in four treatments and five replicates; two animals per experimental unit. Results. The digestible energy values for SCI and SCE were 4.197 kcal/kg and 5.234 kcal/kg, respectively. The extrusion process improved the digestibility coefficients. Piglets fed with RSCI showed less daily weight gain (DWG) and F:G ratio. Conclusion. Results suggest that SCE can be included in diets of piglets from 15 to 30 kg until 6% without negatively affecting performance.

Key words: Animal performance, anti-nutritional factors, digestibility, economic viability (Source: AGROVOC).

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