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Efficacy of clinoptilolite supplementation on milk yield and somatic cell count

Efficacy of clinoptilolite supplementation on milk yield and somatic cell count

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Alic Ural, D. (2014). Efficacy of clinoptilolite supplementation on milk yield and somatic cell count. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 19(3), 4242-4248.

Deniz Alic Ural


Objective. To determine the efficiency of clinoptilolite supplements on milk production and somatic cell count (SCC). Materials and methods. 80 Holstein–Friesian cows were used, between 2 and 4 years of age ad between their first and third lactation. Two groups made up of 40 animals were constituted, and one of the following treatments were assigned randomly: Control group (n=40) with a basal diet, and experimental group (Clinoptilolite; n=40) with a basal diet + 3% (p/p) of clinoptilolite. The basal diet consisted of corn, hay, sunflower flour, barley grains, wheat bran and soy flour. The experiment lasted 16 weeks (February to June 2013) and began 4 weeks before the expected delivery date. 2560 milk samples were taken (morning and evening), and the farm was visited twice a week. Results. The mean values for the control group and the clinoptilolite group were 30.63±0.851 and 33.66±0.756, respectively. Milk prouction for the clinoptilolite group was higher than that of the control group (p<0.01). SCC for the control and clinoptilolite groups was 5.06±0.045 and 4.79±0.011, respectively (p<0.01). Conclusions. Supplementing with 3% (p/p) clinoptilolite in dairy cows increases milk production and decreases somatic cell count.

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