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Reception and evaluation process

of the manuscripts

  • The receipt of a manuscript does not oblige its publication.
  • The evaluation of the manuscripts received in the MVZ Córdoba Journal is a fundamental task to guarantee compliance with the quality and impact criteria in the scientific, academic, and professional community.
  • Once a manuscript is received through the OJS platform, the editor-in-chief will review its thematic relevance (scope). If this decision is not received, the author will be informed immediately for the correspondence.
  • When the manuscript is received for submission, the editor-in-chief will officially communicate this decision to the author for correspondence. The associate editor will verify compliance with standards, requirements and other requirements.
  • Once the previous stage is concluded, the manuscript will be sent for anonymous evaluation by two expert referees; A third party will be used in the event of. It will always be ensured that the manuscript does not present elements that allow identifying its author (s) during its evaluation.
  • Based on the opinion of the referees and internal deliberation with the editors, the editorial committee reserves the right to accept, reject, request modifications to which there is room to adapt the manuscript to the style of the journal. All modifications will be made in consensus with the author for correspondence.
  • Once the author submits the corrections derived from the evaluation process, these will be verified by the editorial team and the editor-in-chief. In case of complying with all the demands made by the referees and making the content and editing rigorous adjustments, the associate editor will request the certified version of the translation (Spanish or English).
  • Author (s) are suggested to use a text editing or translation service from suitable and recognized companies. The following partial list is for information only. The MVZ Córdoba Magazine does NOT have any relationship with these companies and is not responsible for their services, nor does it guarantee acceptance of manuscripts for publication.

The editor-in-chief will be solely responsible for officially communicating to the author (s) the result of the evaluation (accepted or rejected).

After approval of a manuscript and content and editing adjustments made, a proof of galley will be sent to the corresponding author, who will be responsible for socializing, correcting and approving the final version of the manuscript with his co-authors.

Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |