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Peer evaluation process

Peer Review Process

The evaluation of the manuscripts received in the Journal MVZ Córdoba is a key task for the selection of articles that meet the required quality and impact criteria for the scientific, professional and academic community to which this publication is addressed.

The review will be carried out in two phases: first a pre-review of the articles will be carried out by the editorial team to assess their rejection, modification or sending to peer review. Once the article has been accepted in this first phase, it is evaluated anonymously by two external reviewers specialized in the subject, eliminating all the identifying authorship data. In the event there is a discrepancy between them, it will be sent to a third evaluator. All the reviewers have public assessment criteria in this platform (Formato de Evaluación). The acceptance or rejection of each work will be based on a motivated decision according to what is stated by these reviewers.

Confidentiality: The documents submitted for evaluation are confidential information, so the evaluators must refrain from disclosing them in any way, or using the information contained in the text for their own benefit or that of third parties.

Conflict of interests: The evaluators have the ethical duty to reject the request for evaluation of works with which, directly or indirectly, they have collaborated or could have been competitors.

In addition to the existence of conflicts of interest, the reviewer involved in an editorial process must inform the Editorial Committee of any of these circumstances:

  • Insufficient knowledge and / or experience in the specific topic of the manuscript, or the existence of more qualified reviewers to carry out the evaluation of the manuscript.
  • Plagiarism or fraud: If they suspect that an article is a substantial copy of another work, or that the data reflected in the text and / or the results thereof have been plagiarized, invented or falsified.

Phases and deadlines of the review process:

The communication between evaluators and the publisher is done through email. Upon receipt of the editorial invitation received, each reviewer will have a maximum of 7 days to accept or reject the request for review.

The reviewers will issue their report and recommendations within 4 weeks of the request date. In addition to completing the aforementioned form, the reviewers may attach a document of their own with the annotations or comments they consider appropriate.

The final recommendation of the reviewer must be in line with the observations written in his qualitative evaluation.

The evaluation can have the following results:

Acceptance. A manuscript is approved if the result of the two blind pairwise evaluations is positive. It can also be accepted in its original version or accepted with modifications.

No acceptance. A manuscript is rejected if the results of the two blind evaluations by negative pairs.

Acceptance with modifications. The result of the evaluation requires modifications of the content, which the author / s should apply to the text as a step prior to the completion of the review process and for the modified manuscript to be definitively accepted.

In case of discrepancy between the two experts, it will be sent to a third reviewer.

When a manuscript is subjected to adjustments in a first revision, at the time of sending the adjusted version the authors must accompany it with a detailed explanation of the changes made to comply with the recommendations of the evaluators. If they disagree with any of them, they must explain in detail the reasons. All decisions are communicated to the author as quickly as possible. The term depends on the complexity of the subject and the availability of expert reviewers.

Once this process has been completed, the editorial coordination of the Journal informs the author of the acceptance of the article and initiates the processing of the text for publication. In case of rejection of the article, the author is notified of the reasons given by the peer reviewers that prevent the publication of the manuscript.

The Journal MVZ Cordoba reserves the right to accept or reject the works in accordance with the recommendations of the Editorial Committee and with the opinion of the peers, as well as to propose the revision and editorial changes it deems necessary. The reception of articles does not imply the obligation to publish them.

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