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Growth and reproductive performance in females of Romosinuano cattle

Comportamiento de crecimiento y reproductivo en hembras bovinas Romosinuano

How to Cite
Martínez-Rocha, R. E., Ramírez-Valverde, R., Núñez-Domínguez, R., García-Muñiz, J. G., & Parra-Bracamonte, G. M. (2020). Growth and reproductive performance in females of Romosinuano cattle. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 26(1), e2033.

Ricardo Emmanuel Martínez-Rocha
Rodolfo Ramírez-Valverde
Rafael Núñez-Domínguez
José Guadalupe García-Muñiz
Gaspar Manuel Parra-Bracamonte

Ricardo Emmanuel Martínez-Rocha,

Bachelor of Animal Science at the University of Chapingo, Mexico

Master of Science at the University of Chapingo, Mexico

Rodolfo Ramírez-Valverde,

Bachelor of Animal Science at the University of Chapingo, Mexico

Master of Science at the University of Chapingo, Mexico

Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Georgia, USA

Rafael Núñez-Domínguez,

Bachelor of Science at the University of Chapingo, Mexico

Master of Science at the University of Nebraska, USA

Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Nebraska, USA



José Guadalupe García-Muñiz,

Bachelor of Animal Science at the University of Chapingo, México

Master of Science at the University of Massey, New Zealand

Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Massey, New Zealand  

Gaspar Manuel Parra-Bracamonte,

Bachelor of Veterinary and Animal Science at the University of Yucatan, Mexico

Master of Science at the University of Yucatán, Mexico

Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Tamaulipas, Mexico

Objective. To characterize growth curves and reproductive performance of Romosinuano cows in
Mexico. Materials and methods. Weight and age records (928) of females (117) for growth traits
and calving records (459) of cows (113) for reproductive traits were analyzed. Four non-linear
mixed models were adjusted to describe the growth curves. Indicators of age at 50% of maturity
(A50M), and percentage of maturity at 18 months of age (PM18) were estimated. The reproductive
performance was evaluated through the age at first calving (AFC), the calving interval (CI), and
calving rate (CR). Results. The Brody model showed the best adjustment to the growth curve. The A
parameter, which estimates maturity weight, fluctuated within 430.2 and 466.2 kg; the b parameter
within 0.94 and 5.45; and the k parameter within 0.001 and 0.002; depending on the used model. The
A50M varied from 20 to 21 months, and the PM18 from 44.5 to 45.5%. The means for AFC, CI, and
CR at 550 d were 1059±282 d, 553±68 d, and 74±19%; those indicators improved (p<0.05) when
cows have a higher percentage of their maturity weight, depending on calving season. Conclusions.
The estimates of maturity weight indicate that Romosinuano cattle could be considered as a breed
of small or medium size, with an acceptable reproductive ability. The females with small estimated
maturity size aged at first calving earlier than cows with high weights.

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