Comparison of direct versus Friedewald methods for determing LDL cholesterol levels in the horse
Comparación de los métodos Directo y de Friedewald para la determinación de los niveles de colesterol LDL en el equino
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Objective. To compare the Direct Method vs the Precipitation Friedewald Method for determing LDL cholesterol levels in the horse, specie with HDL pattern. Materials and methods. Blood Samples of 200 overnight fasted horses of different ages, breed and sex were obtained. Blood levels of LDL cholesterol were determined first by the Direct method and then by the precipitation Friedewald method. The results were analyzed using (one way ANOVA) and compared (F test <0.05). Results. There were no differences for determing LDL cholesterol levels between the Direct Method vs Friedewald Method (mean: 27.9 vs 29 mg/dl, minimal: 14 vs 11.2 mg/dl, maximal: 51 vs 54.2 mg/dl, range: 37 vs 43 mg/dl, and standard deviation: 6.4 vs 7.0 mg/dl respectively) Conclusion. According to these results both methods are recommended for determing LDL cholesterol levels in species with HDL pattern.
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