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Vacuum impregnation dynamic on celery (Apium graveolens L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

Dinámica de impregnación al vacío en apio (Apium graveolens L.) y pepino (Cucumis sativus L.)

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Martelo C, Y., Cortés R, M., & Restrepo M, D. (2011). Vacuum impregnation dynamic on celery (Apium graveolens L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Journal MVZ Cordoba, 16(2), 2584-2592.

Yisell Martelo C
Misael Cortés R
Diego Restrepo M

Objective. To evaluate the response to vacuum impregnation (IV) in celery and cucumber, with isotonic NaCl. Materials and methods. Impregnation variables were determined in celery sticks and cucumber slices (3 different positions along their structure), considering, fraction and volumetric deformation in the vacuum stage (X1 and g1) and atmospheric (X and g), and the available porosity to the process IV (Ee). Results. Celery and cucumber were not statistically different for effect of the position. In the stages process were obtained for the celery and the cucumber values of X1 (-14.32±2.75 and -5.51±1.76%, g1 (-0.587±0.69 and -0.079±0.99%), X (13.49±2.32 and 6.72±2.72%), (-1.40±1.042% and -2.33±1.26%) and Ee (15.73±2.31 and 9.35±2.57%), respectively. These results indicated a native liquid output (X1<0) and a slight volumetric contraction of the structures (g and g1<0), which was evidenced microstructurally. Conclusions. The dynamics of IV in celery and cucumber, to identify those food matrices, as suitable for the incorporation of components that provide a value added to these products.

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