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Endothelin-1 expression in pulmonary hypertensive chickens by hypoxia

Expresión de Endotelina-1 en pollos con hipertensión arterial pulmonar por hipoxia hipobárica

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Monroy G, L. C., & Hernández V, A. (2017). Endothelin-1 expression in pulmonary hypertensive chickens by hypoxia. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 22(2), 5951-5958.

Luis Carlos Monroy G
Aureliano Hernández V

Objective. To determine the effect of hypobaric hypoxia exposition in pulmonary arterioles expression of endothelin-1 (ET-1). Materials and methods. Two groups of commercial broiler chickens were used: one of them were raised at 2638 (hypobaric hypoxia) and the other one at 300 m (relative normoxia) above sea level. Incidence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) was evaluated by calculating the cardiac mass index values and ET-1 protein expression was established in pulmonary arterioles by immunohistochemistry and morphometry. Results. ET-1 expression was higher in arterioles of animals exposed to hypoxia as compared to the low altitude exposed broilers (p<0.01). Arterioles from pulmonary hypertensive chickens (PHC) showed ET-1 higher expression than arterioles from healthy chickens (non-hypertensive, NHC) at low altitude, those exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (p<0.01). 53% of chickens subjected to altitude conditions developed pulmonary hypertension. Under normoxia, no chickens developed that pathology. Conclusions. Quantitative characteristics and sites of ET-1 expression in the lungs are important in the understanding of PH pathogenesis in broilers and the adapting mechanisms to hypobaric hypoxia, as to design new pharmacological approaches. This is a first approach which accounts for the abovementioned features in broilers subjected to natural conditions of normoxia and hypobaric hypoxia.

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