Composition and abundance analysis of by-catch in the fishing of pinky shrimp (Penaeus notialis) in the Gulf Of Morrosquillo, Colombian Caribbean
Análisis de la composición y abundancia de la ictiofauna presente en la pesca del camarón rosado (Penaeus notialis) en el golfo de morrosquillo, Caribe Colombiano
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Objetive. Samples taken in the gulf of Morrosquillo between february 2002 and january 2003 with trawlers of PESTOLU company, the composition and abundance of by-catch in the fishing of pinky shrimp(Penaeus notialis) were analyzed. Materials and methods. A net of 42 feet of length in the superior relinga for band with a mesh eye in the handbag of 1¾ inches using an hydraulic winche. 31 fishing tasks were made in the stratum 1 and 21 in the stratum 2, for a total of 52 night tasks, with a duration average of 9 hours 11 minutes among 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., for a 191 rushes in total of with a duration average of 2 hours 33 minutes each one, for a total of 450 effective hours of haulage. Results. The captures were dominated by four species, being the Chivo (Cathorops sp.) the most representative for both strata was the male goat (Cathorops sp.), species without commercial value for the area, continued in importance by the pargo chino (Lutjanus synagris), species of great commercial value. The total capture estimated in both strata during the study period was 3.821,8 Kg, finding that in the stratum 1 the biggest capture was obtained (2120,9 Kg) represented in 55.49% of the total volume considered, whereas that in the stratum 2 with 44.51% the minor was obtained (1.700,9 Kg). In the CPUE, a bigger yield was obtained in the stratum 2. The diversity of the captures presents a great similarity for transectos. The volumes of shrimp capture and accompanying fauna were related reaching 1:4. Conclusions. In agreement with the statistical analysis, do not exist significant differences among the by-catch in the fishing of pinky shrimp in the two strata what allowed to establish that the captured individuals belong to oneself fishing stock.
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