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Management of the first food of bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae)

Manejo de la primera alimentación del bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae)

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Atencio-García, V., Kerguelén, E., Wadnipar, L., & Narváez, A. (2003). Management of the first food of bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae). Journal MVZ Cordoba, 8(1), 254-260.

Víctor Atencio-García
Eduardo Kerguelén
Lina Wadnipar
Ana Narváez

In the Centro de Investigación Piscícola de la Universidad de Córdoba were two experiments. In the first experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different preys to first feeding on bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae) larviculture. The onset feeding bocachico post-larvae stocked into aquarium at density 50/L, were fed at 5 Prey/mL during five days: Artemia nauplii (NA), descapsulated Artemia cysts (CA), wild zooplankton of 125 to 160 mm (Z125-160) and zooplankton of 250 to 400 mm (Z250-400). In addition, a group post-larvae was subjected to starvation. Bocachico post-larvae fed NA (2.0±1.8 mg, 1.8±0.9 mm) and Z250-400 (2.0±1.1 mg, 1.6±0.5 mm) were that offered better results for weight and total length gain (p<0.05). Item prey NA (73.2±10.7%) was that offered better result survival rate (P<0.05). The low survival rate of post-larvae bocachico fed Z250-400 (49. 9±23. 8%) can be explained to the mortality caused to presence of predator copepods (Termocyclops decipiens and Mesoscyclops aspericornis) in the offered wild zooplankton. The low growth of bocachico post-larvae fed with Z125-160 (0. 8±0. 4 mg, 1. 1±0. 2 mm) and CA (0. 5±0. 9 mg, 0. 7±0. 5 mm) can be explained because item Z125-160 was small for the oral opening (671±12. 8 mm) and therefore inefficient in the energy balance; while item CA behaved as an inert food that did not stimulate their consumption. In the second experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different periods of first feeding on growth and survival of post-larval bocachico during different periods (1, 3, 5 and 7 days) of first feeding. No differences were noted in the survival among first feeding periods (P>0.05). The post-larvae fed during 7 days presented higher weight gain (5.3±3.8 mg) and length gain (2.8±1.6 mm) than other experimental groups (P<0.05). The weight gain did not differ among the post-larvae fed between 3 and 5 days (P>0.05). The specific growth rates were not significantly different between experimental groups (P>0.05). Survival rates of post-larvae fed during 3, 5 and 7 days were higher when them were subjected to stress resistance test. In contrast, the survival of postlarvae fed by one day was significantly lower (87±1%) to stress resistance test (P<0.05). The results of the study suggest that the nauplii of Artemia or the wild zooplankton range 250 and 400 μm, free predators copepods, it is adecuated prey items for the handling of the first feeding of the bocachico at least during 3 days before to be stocked in fertilised nursery ponds.

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