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Effect of the medium and the inheritance on weights at birth, weaning and 16 months of age in the coastal race with horns

Efecto del medio y de la herencia sobre los pesos al nacer, destete y 16 meses de edad en la raza costeño con cuernos

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Ossa S, G., & Pérez G., J. (2017). Effect of the medium and the inheritance on weights at birth, weaning and 16 months of age in the coastal race with horns. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 7(1), 143-147.

Gustavo Ossa S
Juan Pérez G.

With the objective to estimate genetics parameters for the productive characters, weights upon newborn, weaning and 16 months of age, in the race «Costeño con cuernos» at the Turipaná experiment station at Cereté city, at north of Colombia, were analyzed 1303, 1108 and 841 data, for the weights upon newborn (WN), to the weaning (WW) and weight to the 16 months (W16M), respectively, in the period 1991 to 2001. The measures and standard bypasses observed for these characters were 29.03 ± 3.69Kg, 173.27± 23.71Kg and 228.36 ± 27.64Kg, respectively. The estimated values and the errors for the coefficients of repetitive and of repetitive for the WN, WW and W16M were 0.05 ± 0.02; 0.08 ± 0.03; 0.082 ± 0.048; 0.26± 0.82 and 0.22 ± 0.089, respectively. The genetics correlation coefficients were 0.19 for WN x WW and 0.045 for WW x WP16M.

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