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Application of elefan and the catch curve in estimating the age of the mackerel (Epinephelus guttatus) on the west coast of Puerto Rico.

Aplicación de elefan y la curva de captura en la estimación de la edad del mero cabrilla (Epinephelus guttatus) en la costa oeste de Puerto Rico.

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Brú C, S., & Olaya-Nieto, C. (2017). Application of elefan and the catch curve in estimating the age of the mackerel (Epinephelus guttatus) on the west coast of Puerto Rico. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 6(1), 43-47.

Samir Brú C
Charles Olaya-Nieto

To evaluate the age of red hind the information of match from different fishing ports of west coast of Puerto Rico january/92 and December/93 was analyzed. The sample size was 979 and 585 for 1992 and 1993, respectively. A range of class of 1.5cm was used, excluding least values or 15cm and highest values of 55cm standard length (SL), for to reduce any bias. The growth rate (K) and the asymtothic length (L») was estimatic using ELEFAN 1 and the annual mean temperature was taken in the samples (Olaya-Nieto 1999). These values was used to estimate the age of red hind applyng the von Bertalanffy’s growth function generate by ELEFAN1 and the length converted catch curve by to comparate both. The age estimation using both methods was 15 years old for ELEFAN and the length converted catch curve by 1992 and 1993, respectively. The maximum standard length was greater than  the estimates by other researchers. Although it was excluded for to avoid bias and age over estimation. The mean standard length was 29.9 and 30cm for 1992 and 1993, respectively, without significative differences applying the t-test (p>0.001). Because this study is based in samples taken in landing ports, the age’s estimation for the red hind shows closed values with other researchers using otolithe readings in other study areas like Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Saint Thomas, and highest than North Carolina/Florida, verifying that the red hind is a long life fish.

The application of two methods in this work is less complicated, shorter and less expensive that other methods. Although always with differences respect the age’s estimation applying hard structures, is possible to get good results with 90% of confidence level, very important for the third world countries.

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