Transfer of in vitro fertilized embryos in dual purpose bovine cattle.
Transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganado bovino de doble propósito.
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In the farms «El Tequendama» and «La Belleza», located in the Municipality of San Carlos and «El Diluvio», located in the Municipality of Montería, department of Córdoba, was carried out the present work with the purpose of to validate and to disclose the technique of transfer of embryos fecundated in vitro in cattle double Purpose. The recipients were synchronized with progestágens in groups of 25 half-breed females, conformed by heifers and cows. The recipients selection was made by quality of corpus luteum, normality of the reproductive
tract and body condition superior at 3, in a scale of 1 at 5. The embryo transfer was carried out for the nonsurgical method. The rate of presentation of heat at the 48 hours of retired implants them, in the farms El Tequendama was of 100% (25/25), La Belleza of 100% (25/25) and in EL Diluvio of 92% (23/25). The rate of gestation obtained search transfer in the property El Tequendama», it was of 25% (1/4), in La Belleza of 15.7% (3/19) and in El Diluvio of 0% (0/7). In the first two properties the embryos were transferred in fresh and in third
they were frozen and defrosted.
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