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Relationship of bovinemetric measurements and their proportion to Senepol animals’ weight in Colombia

Relación de medidas bovinométricas y su proporcionalidad con el peso de animales Senepol en Colombia

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Vargas Castro, S. P., & Manrique Perdomo, C. (2017). Relationship of bovinemetric measurements and their proportion to Senepol animals’ weight in Colombia. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 22(3), 6320-6333.

Samanda Patricia Vargas Castro
Carlos Manrique Perdomo

Objective. Evaluate the relationship between bovinemetric measurements and their proportion to the living weight of Senepol registered animals in Colombia. Materials and Methods. An analysis of variance of the weight and bovinemetric measurements was conducted on 1.402 animals, with information gathered on the technical visits (from 2008 to 2014) to 63 ranches belonging to ASOSENEPOL, located at the regions of: Caribbean, Interandean and Orinoquia – Amazonia Valleys. The animals were classified under sex, region and age group, and an analysis of multiple regression was made in order to select the bovinemetric measurements with the greatest effect on weight (p<0.0001). Results. In females: hip width and rump length were significant (p<0.0001). In males: hip width, rump length, rump height, body length and pin bone width were significant (p<0.0001). The variation in weight for females was related to bovinemetric measurements associated to meat production (thoracic perimeter, body length and rump height), with easy calving (hip width, pin bone width and rump length). For males, the variation in weight was observed in bovinemetric measurements associated to meat production like hip width, pin bone width, rump length, and testicular circumference. Conclusions. Bovinemetric measurements and weight differed among groups of present study, due to environmental factors, such as region, animal age and sex. 

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