Relative abundance and activity patterns of Didelphis marsupialis in a peri-urban area of Medellin, Colombia
Abundancia relativa y patrones de actividad de Didelphis marsupialis en un área periurbana de Medellín, Colombia

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Objective. The relative abundance and activity patterns of the common opossum Didelphis marsupialis were determined in a peri-urban area of Medellín municipality, Antioquia department. Materials and methods. The study was developed in the Remington Veterinary practice at Santa Elena Corregimiento. The data recording was carried out through camera trapping methodology for three months (June-August 2017) with a total effort of 166 days-camera. Results. With a total of 275 independent records, we calculate the relative abundance index (52.88 UNITS). The activity patterns show a first activity peak beginning the night (19:00) and a second one after midnight (3:00), reducing the activity in the sunrise hours. Conclusions. These results present a high relative abundance in comparison to another Colombian localities, besides a population active reproductively. At the same time, they become a tool to support conservation strategies and sensitizing local people about the wildlife of this region.
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