Ultrasonographic methods for evaluation of testicles in cats
Metodos ultrassonográficos para la evaluación de testículos en gatos
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The testicles are the primary sexual organs of male and their function is to produce sperm and sexual hormones. Disorders of the testicles are common in domestic cats. Therefore, detailed assessment of the testes is of great importance in veterinary medicine. Considering the recent advances in diagnostic imaging in companion animals, this review aims to describe the applicability elastography (qualitative and quantitative), Doppler, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and B-mode ultrasonography in testes evaluation in cats. B-mode ultrasonography of the testicles combined with haemodynamic analysis in real time by Doppler and contrast enhanced ultrasonography can assist as diagnostic tool in evaluating testicular abnormalities in sick cats. Furthermore, ARFI elastography is a new ultrasound method that evaluates tissue elasticity by elastogram and shear weave. Ultrasonographic study of the testes is a common diagnostic imaging procedure.
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