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The history of dengue is not yet finished

La historia del dengue aún no termina

How to Cite
Mattar, S., Montero A, J., & González Tous, M. (2019). The history of dengue is not yet finished. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 24(2), 7177-7179.

Salim Mattar

Marco González Tous,

Editor en Jefe Revista MVZ Córdoba

The first epidemic of dengue reported in the Americas occurred in the eighteenth century in Philadelphia, North of the United States of America and was first described in 1780 by Benjamin Rush; curiously in a cold climate zone. Since that outbreak, dengue has affected most countries in the region, but the most significant number of cases is concentrated in Latin America and the Caribbean

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  1. OPS/OMS. Actualización Epidemiológica Dengue. [En línea] Organización Panamericana de la Salud. 2019. URL Disponible en:
  2. OPS/OMS. PLISA - Plataforma de Información en Salud para las Américas. Dengue. [En línea] Organización Panamericana de la Salud. 2018. URL disponible en:
  3. INS. Boletín Epidemiológico 52. [En línea]. Instituto Nacional de Salud: Colombia; 2018. URL Disponible en:
  4. INS. Boletín Epidemiológico 6. [En línea]. Instituto Nacional de Salud: Colombia; 2019. URL Disponible en:
  5. WHO. What is the current status of dengue vaccine development? [On line]. World Health Organization; 2015. URL available in:

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