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Genetic evaluation for weight traits in commercial Brahman cattle

Evaluación genética para características de peso en ganado Brahman comercial

How to Cite
Bedoya Ospina, C. F., Alzate Ramirez, J. A., Ángel Cardona, J. C., Escobar R, C. S., & Calvo Cardona, S. J. (2019). Genetic evaluation for weight traits in commercial Brahman cattle. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 24(2), 7225-7230.

Christian Fernando Bedoya Ospina
Jovany Andrés Alzate Ramirez
Juan Camilo Ángel Cardona
Carlos Santiago Escobar R
Samir Julián Calvo Cardona

Samir Julián Calvo Cardona,

Universidad Católica de Oriente, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Grupo de investigación en agronomía y zootecnia GIAZ, Rionegro–Antioquia.

Objective. Evaluate genetically the traits of birth weight and weaning weight in commercial Brahman cattle. Materials and methods. A total of 1.015 records of birth weight (BWT) and weaning weight adjusted to 270 days (WW270), were evaluated. Data correspond to the offspring born between 2002 and 2014 belonging to “La Envidia” farm, located in the municipality of Planeta Rica, Córdoba. A bi-character animal model that included, additive genetic effect, maternal effect and sex, month, year and age at weaning as fixed effects, was used. Genetic parameters were estimated using the MTDF-REML software. Results. The average and coefficient of variation (CV) of BWT was 29.62±3.13 kg and 10.59%, respectively. The mean and CV for WW270 was 216.71±26.97 kg and 12.45%, respectively. The estimates of direct heritability were 0.44±0.143 and 0.39±0.12 for BWT and WW270, respectively. Maternal heritability was 0.09±0.092 and 0.42±0.087 for BWT and WW270, respectively. The estimated genetic and phenotypic correlation between the evaluated characteristics was 0.11 and 0.13, respectively; with genetic progress per year of -2.02 kg for BWT and 7.81 kg for WW270. Conclusions. The estimations of heritability indicate the existence of direct additive genetic variability, evidencing the opportunity of genetic gain through selection. However, environment have a great influence on birth weight and weaning weight traits, which is why special attention should be paid to the handling and nutrition of females during pregnancy and of calves from birth to weaning.

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