Characterization and technological typification of bovine dual-purpose system of the Huasteca Veracruzana Mexico
Caracterización y tipificación tecnológica del sistema de bovinos doble propósito de la Huasteca Veracruzana México
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Objective. Characterize the dual-purpose bovine production system (SPDP) in livestock production units (UPP) of municipalities of Huasteca Alta Veracruzana (HAV) and determine the typology of UPP within the SPDP. Materials and methods. With social variables (farmer), quantitative of the herd and technological indices, grouped in zootechnical areas (Reproduction, Health, Nutrition, Pastures and Administrative), the information from 135 UPP of the SPDP collected through surveys and on-site visits, with records of their social, economic and livestock activities. Likewise, the climatological panorama was analyzed using information from meteorological stations of the region. The multivariate K-means and Cluster analysis (Statistica V10) was used; With this, it was possible to identify five groups of UPP being classified as: Business (n = 4), Transition (n = 29), Traditional High (n = 34), Medium (n = 37) and Low (n = 31). With one-way ANOVA, the socioeconomic, productive, and herd-specific variables were analyzed. Results. The Business and Transition UPP differed (p<0.05) from those of the Traditional type by having a greater area (hectares) used for livestock, number of cows and higher technological indices of health, nutrition and economic (p<0.05), characteristics that describe obtaining higher income from the sale of milk and calves for fattening. Conclusions. The technological index of the SPDP is from 0.37±0.01 to 0.61±0.06 (low-medium), this situation and the current weather conditions affect its productivity.
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