Effect of bioadditives on bioproductive indicators of nulliparous guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) and their offspring
El Efecto de bioaditivos en indicadores bioproductivos de cobayas (Cavia porcellus) nulíparas y sus crías

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Objective. To evaluate the effect of biopreparations obtained from agroindustrial by-products fermented with lactic acid bacteria and yeasts on the bioproductive behavior of primiparous guinea pigs and their offspring. Materials and methods. A total of 40 nulliparous guinea pigs were used, with 125 d of age, 1450 g of live weight, distributed in four groups of 10 animals each. T1, Control (basal diet without additive); T2, substrate fermented with Lactobacillus acidophilus. T3, substrate fermented with Kluyveromyces fragilis and T4, substrate fermented with L. acidophillus and K. fragilis. A completely randomized design was used where weight gain during pregnancy, age at first delivery, percentage of fertility, conception index, health, and values of hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume were evaluated. Results. Weight gain during pregnancy was greater (P <0.05) in T4; the age at first delivery was reduced (P <0.05) in Treatment 4; the fertility percentage and the conception index were better (P <0.05) in the animals that consumed the T4 biopreparation, the occurrence of diarrhea was lower (P <0.05) in the T4 group. Hematological values ware improved in all groups that consumed biopreparations. Conclusions. The use of agroindustrial substrates fermented with L. acidophilus and K. fragilis improved the productive and reproductive indicators in primiparous guinea pigs. In addition, it intervenes in the improvement of health and hematological values.
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