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Megathyrsus maximus silages: Effect of cutting time and microbial inoculation

Ensilados de Megathyrsus maximus: Efecto del horario de corte y de la inoculación microbiana

How to Cite
Patiño-Pardo, R., Benítez-Ríos , Y. J. ., & Valdés-Vargas, E. D. . (2024). Megathyrsus maximus silages: Effect of cutting time and microbial inoculation. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 27(3), e2654.

Yesid José Benítez-Ríos
Elkin David Valdés-Vargas

René Patiño-Pardo,

Universidad de Sucre, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Sincelejo, Colombia.

2Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad Tropical

Yesid José Benítez-Ríos ,

Universidad de Sucre, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Sincelejo, Colombia.

2Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad Tropical

Elkin David Valdés-Vargas,

Universidad de Sucre, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Sincelejo, Colombia.

2Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad Tropical

Objective. To evaluate the effect of the cutting time and the addition of a microbial inoculum on the fermentative and nutritional characteristics of grass silage of the genus Megathyrsus maximus. Materials and methods. The combination of forage (Tanzania and Mombasa cultivars and corn), cutting time (a.m.-p.m.) and use of additive (with-without) represented the treatments. Was used a completely random design in factorial arrangement. Results. The sensory evaluation was acceptable in all silages, and in those cut at p.m., the dry matter content tended to be higher (p=0.071), as well as digestibility (p <0.02). The addition of inoculum reduced (p<0.05) protein losses. The Mombasa silage presented a higher concentration of dry matter and fibrous components (p<0.001), and that of corn had a higher content of soluble carbohydrates (p<0.001) and a lower pH (3.76) (p<0.001). Fermentation losses were higher in Mombasa and lower in corn (p=0.003). Conclusions. In general, cutting in the afternoon hours improves the digestibility of the silage, and the addition of microbial inoculum reduces protein losses.

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