Application of a knowledge Management system in sheep and goat producers in Colombia
Aplicación de un sistema de gestión del conocimiento en productores ovinos-caprinos en Colombia
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Objective. Knowledge management contributes to the generation of competitive advantages in sheep-goat production systems. Materials and methods. With 66 producers, the effect of applying a knowledge management model on its level and use was evaluated. The construction of the model involved 4 phases: Characterization of the producers, Management with information systems and analysis of indicators, Intervention with knowledge management and Monitoring and evaluation; In these, the analysis of three (3) types of producers was developed: with a conventional technical assistance system, intervened and without intervention, evaluating them in terms of the level and use of appropriate knowledge. Results. The group that actually worked on the knowledge management model that aims to appropriate, exchange and combine the tacit with the explicit, accept that their level and use of knowledge was modified compared to what was expressed by those who contemplated a conventional technical assistance model or the that they did not have (p<0.05). Conclusions. Continue developing works of this type that contribute to the management and construction of tacit knowledge at different levels based on the experiences and internalization of explicit knowledge.
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