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Histopathological findings in Anisakidae nematodes exposed to aqueous plant extracts with nematicidal capacity in vitro

Hallazgos histopatológicos en nematodos Anisakidae, expuestos a extractos acuosos vegetales con capacidad nematicida in vitro

How to Cite
Campos–Montiel, R. G. ., Castro-Parra, L. ., Gómez de Anda, F. R. ., & Zepeda Velazquez, A. P. (2024). Histopathological findings in Anisakidae nematodes exposed to aqueous plant extracts with nematicidal capacity in vitro. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 29(3), e3078.

Rafael G. Campos–Montiel
Lucio Castro-Parra
Fabián R. Gómez de Anda
Andrea Paloma Zepeda Velazquez

Rafael G. Campos–Montiel,

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo. México

Lucio Castro-Parra,

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo. México

Fabián R. Gómez de Anda,

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo. México

Andrea Paloma Zepeda Velazquez,

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo. México.

Objetive. Expose nematodes of the Anisakidae family to different aqueous extracts and identify the aqueous extracts with nematicidal capacity. Material and methods. The concentrations of the bioactive compounds of the aqueous extracts of epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides), onion (Allium cepa), siempre viva (Kalanchoe pinnata) and xoconostle (Opuntia oligacantha) were identified. Live parasites of the Anisakidae family were obtained from Lisa fish (Mugilidae), to be exposed to different concentrations of aqueous extracts. Results. K. pinnata and O. oligocantha presented a higher concentration of bioactive components of polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins; as well as in the antioxidant activity of DPPH and ABTS. Parasite mortality occurred at a concentration of 855 mg/mL for K. pinnata of 100% at 48 hours, and in pulp and whole fruit of O. oligacantha, with mortality of 66% at 72 hours. The main histopathological changes caused by K. pinnata were muscle vacuoles; the whole fruit of O. oligocantha degeneration of the intestinal epithelium and vacuolization; the seed caused edema, intestinal degeneration, and vacuolization. Conclusions. The results indicate that the use of aqueous extracts of K. pinnata and O. oligacantha on nematodes of the Anisakidae family are an option for their use as nematicidal agents.

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