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Tick-borne viral encephalitis: are they far from the Americas?

Encefalitis virales transmitidas por garrapatas: ¿Están lejos de las Américas?

How to Cite
Miranda-Regino, J. ., González-Tous, M. ., & Mattar, S. (2024). Tick-borne viral encephalitis: are they far from the Americas?. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 27(3), e3125.

Jorge Miranda-Regino
Marco González-Tous
Salim Mattar

Jorge Miranda-Regino,

Universidad de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas del Trópico (IIBT). Montería, Colombia.

Marco González-Tous,

Universidad de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas del Trópico (IIBT). Montería, Colombia.

Salim Mattar,

Universidad de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas del Trópico (IIBT). Montería, Colombia.

Within the various pathologies of the Central Nervous System (CNS), the two most important clinical entities due to their frequency of appearance in the world are meningitis and encephalitis. CNS infections constitute a diagnostic challenge because the clinical manifestations are not normally pathognomonic and there are various etiological agents involved. It is only possible to determine between 40-70% the etiological agent of encephalitis cases and in less than 0.1% it is possible to isolate a virus other than enteroviruses or herpesviruses (1).

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