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Fabello-tibial suture with tunneling of the plate treat rupture of the cranial cruise ligament in a dog

Sutura fabelo-tibial con tunelización de plato para tratar ruptura de ligamento cruzado craneal en perro

How to Cite
Martínez-Martínez, M. M. ., Pére-Berrio, D. M., & Savassi-Rocha, G. L. . (2023). Fabello-tibial suture with tunneling of the plate treat rupture of the cranial cruise ligament in a dog. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 28(3), e3255.

Mastoby Miguel Martínez-Martínez
Diana Marcela Pére-Berrio
Guilherme Lages Savassi-Rocha

Diana Marcela Pére-Berrio,

Medico veterinario y zootecnista- Maestria ciencias veterinaria del tropico- universidad de cordoba - colombia

Anamnesis: Canine patient, whole, male, mixed race, with 10 years of age and 7.3 kilograms of weight.Consult motive: bilateral lower limb claudication since four months ago with progressive worsening of the signs, that are accentuated by walking, with no response to previous treatments. Clinical and radiological findings: the patient refuses to forced walking and has abnormal movement, xyphosis with weight shifting towards the lower limbs, posterior train wobble with flight arch modification, craneal displacement of the right tibia with use, atrophy of the femoral cuadriceps and deformity of the tibial bone columns, pain on both knees to the forced movements and positive bilateral box sign. Radiological findings show craneal displacement of the tibia, articular estesophytes, subchondral sclerosis and high radiopacity of the soft tissue in the infrapatellar joint space. Definitive diagnosis: craneal cruciate ligament rupture with bilateral medial meniscus lesion. Surgical approach: it was decided to use a modified surgical technique, titled fabelo-tibial suture with tunneling of the plate, which achieved stability of both affected knees.Conclusion: the favorable evolution of the patient shows that this technique is efficient, effective and with lower costs, being an alternative when it comes to solving this condition.

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