Biochemical and mineral composition of plant species consumed by goats under rangeland system in three seasons of the year
Composición bioquímica y mineral de especies vegetales consumidas por cabras en pastoreo en tres temporadas del año

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Objetive. Determine and compare the biochemical and mineral composition of plant species consumed by grazing goats in three seasons of the year (drought, rain, and transition). Materials and methods. Sampling of the plant species that consume goats in each season of the year were made, during the time the goats feed on the rangeland, following them by the feeding paths and registering the species, the organs consumed, and the proportion of consumption This data were used to calculate a preference index, registering the frequency of consumption The three most consumed species by goats per season were selected. Results. The most consumed species in the drought season were Cyrtocarpa edulis, Pithecollobium confine, and Cercidium floridum. During the rainy season, the most consumed species were Forchhammeria watsonii, Tecoma stans, and Cercidium floridum. The most consumed species during rainy season were, Cyrtocarpa edulis, Indigofera suffruticosa, and Mimosa distachya. The protein content and ethereal extract were superior (p≤0.05) in the drought season. The content of Ca, Mg, Mn, K, P, and total-N were superior (p≤0.05) in the rainy season. Conclusions. The plant species associated with the rangeland in the study area, showed variation per season of the year in mineral and biochemical content, although are a source of minerals and nutrients for goats.
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