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Zoometry of obese pigs undergoing experimental bariatric surgery hourglass with gastro-jejunal bypass

Zoometría en cerdos obesos intervenidos con cirugía bariátrica experimental reloj de arena con derivación gastro-yeyunal

How to Cite
Martinez Martinez , M. M. ., Pérez B, D. M., & Lancheros S, V. . (2024). Zoometry of obese pigs undergoing experimental bariatric surgery hourglass with gastro-jejunal bypass. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 29(3), e3483.

Mastoby Miguel Martinez Martinez
Diana Marcela Pérez B

Mastoby Miguel Martinez Martinez ,

Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Departamento de Ciencias Pecuarias, Grupo de Investigación en Medicina y Cirugía Veterinaria (MECIVET). Montería, Colombia.

Diana Marcela Pérez B,

Medico veterinario y zootecnista- Maestria ciencias veterinaria del tropico- universidad de cordoba - colombia

Valery Lancheros S,

Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Grupo de investigación ingeniería ciencia y tecnología (ICT). Montería, Colombia

Objective. To evaluate zoometric variables in obese Landrace pigs undergoing experimental hourglass bariatric surgery with gastro-jejunal bypass (CBERADG-Y). Materials and methods. The evaluation was performed in three phases with 12 purebred animals divided into an experimental group and two control groups. Phase 1: induction of obesity reached in 120 days. Phase 2: practice of experimental surgery. Phase 3: evaluation of zoometric variables [body mass (BM), occipital-coccygeal length (L Occ-Co), abdominal diameter (AD), and body mass index (BMI)] in the experimental pigs; comparing measurements at day zero, day 15, and day 30 between groups and intra-group. Results. At the end of the study, the experimental group reduced MC, DA, and BMI without affecting L Occ-Co, while the two control groups maintained these variables stable. Conclusions. Although there were no significant differences between groups, it was possible to standardize a bariatric surgery that had a quantitative influence on the zoometric variables of the experimental group.

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