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Megalops atlanticus (Megalopidae), a new fish at the Pacific Ocean; information about its fishery importance

Megalops atlanticus (Megalopidae), un nuevo pez en el océano Pacífico; información sobre su importancia pesquera

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How to Cite
Neira, A., & Acero P, A. (2016). Megalops atlanticus (Megalopidae), a new fish at the Pacific Ocean; information about its fishery importance. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 21(3), 5525-5534.

Alejandra Neira
Arturo Acero P


Objective. Reports by the first time Megalops atlanticus, commonly known as tarpon, from the Colombian Pacific Ocean, discussing its distribution, uses, and value for local human populations. Material and methods. Interviews with fishermen from the municipalities of Nuquí and Bahía Solano (Chocó Province) were carried upon in order to collect information about fishing points, ecologic characteristics, and uses of tarpon; samples were additionally taken in order to determine sex, gonadal maturity, and stomach contents. Results. Fifty interviews were made to fishermen who declared have fished tarpon at least once; fishing methods (hook and line, spear, and gill net) and main uses [consumption (65%), handcraft production (20%), commerce (7%) and game fishing (8%)] were got from them. Conclusions. Our study should be the base for additional research and management strategies for this species both in the Pacific and Caribbean Colombian coasts.

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