Prevalence of stereotypies in thoroughbred race horses at Club Hípico Concepción, Chile
Prevalence of stereotypies in thoroughbred race horses at Club Hípico Concepción, Chile
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Objective. To determine the prevalence of classic stereotypies in Thoroughbred racehorses at the Club Hípico Concepción (CHC) in Chile and its association with sex and age. Materials and methods. The entire population of resident horses at the CHC was studied (n=341). Each horse trainer (n=23) was asked for the name, sex and age of the horses under his/her supervision. After that, all the animals were continuously observed inside their stalls for 8 hours by only one person, to record the absence or presence of classic stereotypies (cribbing, weaving, stall-walking). To analyze the data, the animals were divided by sex into 3 groups: stallions, geldings and mares. According to age, they were divided into 2 groups: < 5 years old and 5 years old or more. Descriptive statistics were used and association was tested using the chi square test using p≤0.05. Results. 13.2% of all CHC’s horses displayed stereotypies: cribbing (4.99%), weaving (2.93%) and stall-walking (5.28%). No association was found between the presence of stereotypies and sex or age. Conclusions. Thoroughbred race horses at the CHC showed a high prevalence of classic stereotypies, especially stall-walking.
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