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Reproductive biology of Liseta Leporinus muyscorum Steindachner, 1901 in the Sinu River, Colombia

Biología reproductiva de Liseta Leporinus muyscorum Steindachner, 1901 en el río Sinú, Colombia

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Segura-Guevara, F., López-Corrales, H., Medrano De La Hoz, C., & Olaya-Nieto, C. W. (2017). Reproductive biology of Liseta Leporinus muyscorum Steindachner, 1901 in the Sinu River, Colombia. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 22(1), 5728-5737.

Fredys Segura-Guevara
Henan López-Corrales
César Medrano De La Hoz
Charles W. Olaya-Nieto

Objective. The reproductive biology of Liseta Leporinus muyscorum (Steindachner, 1901) in the Sinu river, Colombia, was studied. Materials and methods. Individuals were collected between March 2006 and February 2007, with lengths and weights ranging 20.5-41.0 (30.0 ± 3.7) cm of total length and 97.6-728.0 (320.9±117.9) g, respectively. The gonads were placed in Gilson solution, the Vazzoler scale was applicated and sexual proportion, sexual maturity index, spawning season, the length at first maturity, ovocites’s diameter and fecundity were estimated. Results. 344 individuals were collected, of which 249 were females and 95 were males, with sexual proportion female: male of 2.6:1, different from expected. The length at first maturity was estimated in 28.9, 28.1 y 28.8 cm TL for females, males and combined sexes, respectively, ovocites’s diameter was 977 µ and fecundity was estimated in 30793 oocytes. Conclusions. The Liseta is a fish with synchronous oocyte development in two groups, whose spawning season extends from February to September, with large oocytes and high fecundity, strongly associated with ovarian weight.

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