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Genetic parameters for growth and reproduction in Simmental cattle from pedigree and genomic relationship

Parámetros genéticos para crecimiento y reproducción en ganado Simmental mediante parentesco por pedigrí y genómico

How to Cite
Amaya-Martínez, A. A., Martínez S., R., & Cerón-Muñoz, M. F. (2020). Genetic parameters for growth and reproduction in Simmental cattle from pedigree and genomic relationship. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 25(1), 1520.

Adonai Alejandro Amaya-Martínez
Rodrigo Martínez S.
Mario Fernando Cerón-Muñoz

Adonai Alejandro Amaya-Martínez,

Zootecnista, Profesor UDCA, integrante grupo GaMMA

Rodrigo Martínez S.,

Zootecnista, MSc PhD, investigador Agrosavia

Mario Fernando Cerón-Muñoz,

Coordinador grupo GaMMA, profesor titular, Zootecnista MSc, PhD, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.

Objective. To estimate genetic parameters for weight at eight months of age (W8M), age at first calving (AFC) and first calving interval (FCI) using pedigree and genomic relationship. Materials and methods. Phenotypic data on 481, 3063 and 1098 animals for W8M, AFC and FCI were used, respectively. The genomic information came from a population of 718 genotyped animals with a density chip of 30,106 single nucleotide polymorphism markers (SNP). Univariate and bivariate models were used under the conventional (BLUP) and single step genomic best linear unbiased predictor (ssGBLUP) methodologies. Results. The heritabilities for W8M, AFC and FCI ranged from 0.25 to 0.26, from 0.20 to 0.22 and from 0.04 to 0.08, respectively. The AFC and FCI models under ssGBLUP slightly decreased the error and increased the additive genetic variance, respectively. Conclusions. The inclusion of genomic information slightly increases the accuracy of the genetic estimates in this population. However, a larger amount of genotyped animals and with a higher genetic relationship connectivity would allow breeders to increase the potential of the ssGBLUP methodology in Colombian Simmental cattle.

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