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Corporal condition and restart of the ovarian postpartum on Holstein cows in Ecuador

Condición corporal y reinicio de la actividad ovárica posparto en vacas Holstein en Ecuador

How to Cite
Balarezo-Urresta, L., García-Díaz, J. R., & Noval-Artiles, E. (2020). Corporal condition and restart of the ovarian postpartum on Holstein cows in Ecuador. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 25(3), e1859.

Luís Balarezo-Urresta
Juan Ramón García-Díaz
Ernesto Noval-Artiles

Objective. To determine the influence of corporal composition at delivery (CCD) on the ovarian postpartum restart (OPR) of the Holstein cow in the Andes Region in Ecuador. Materials and methods. 30 cows were produced. All of the following moments were determined: the appearing of the dominant follicle (DF), the ovulation and luteal activity; the duration of the estrous cycle, the volume of the luteum body (LC) and the progesterone concentrations (P4) on blood serum. Descriptive statisticians of the OPR variables and its indicators were compared according to the BC, by means of a t-Student test for independent samples. The relationship between the BC and the postpartum OPR through a case-control case was assessed. Results. The duration of the oestrous cycle was 23.10 days, 46.67% of the cows had regular cycles and 53.33% were abnormal cycles. The DF, the ovulation and the luteal activity were seen at 16.63, 27.76 and 41.38 after postpartum, respectively; before (p<0.05) on cows with BC ≥ 3.5;in which both the (p<0.05) and the volume of the LC and P4 concentrations were higher. The BC was correlated with (p<0.05) with the OPR parameters. The cows with <3.5 BC points, are 10.50 times more prompt to have a late OPR than those with a ≥ de 3.5 points BC. Conclusions. The OPR was early, BC had an influence on it, which constituted a major (p<0.05) risk factor on cows having a late OPR.

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