Evaluation of the acaricidal effect of Momordica charantia, Megaskepasma erythrochlamys and Gliricidia sepium on the Rhipicephalus microplus Acaricidal effect of forage plants
Evaluación del efecto acaricida de Momordica charantia, Megaskepasma erythrochlamys y Gliricidia sepium sobre Rhipicephalus microplus

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Objective. The acaricidal activity of Momordica charantia (Mc), Megaskepasma erythrochlamys (Me) and Gliricidia sepium (Gs) on Rhipicephalus microplus (Rm) was evaluated. Materials and methods. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of leaves of the methanolic extract of Mc (EMc), the ethanolic extract of Me (EMe) and the acetone extract of Gs (EGs) were carried out through the technique of colorimetry and thin layer chromatography (CCD). The acaricidal activity was performed through in-vitro tests using the larval immersion test (LIT) and the adult immersion test (AIT). For in-situ tests, grazing cattle naturally infested with ticks were used, using the LC50 obtained from the in-vitro AIT tests; later the teleogines were taken to incubation to evaluate their reproductive capacity. Results. The presence of several groups of secondary metabolites of acaricidal interest was determined. The acaricidal effect of the extracts of the plants on teleogines was demonstrated; although only EGs showed larvicidal activity. Extracts at 160 mg/mL affected the life cycle of Rm by inhibiting ovoposition in 46.9%, 66.1% and 84.03% (p<0.05) for EGs, EMc and EMe, respectively. On the other hand, the in-situ tests showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the treatment of EMc and EMe with respect to the control groups. Conclusions. The results obtained are promising to strengthen the possibility of linking the extracts of these plants into integrated plans for the control of ticks in cattle systems.
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