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Prediction of carcass weight at age of slaughtering in New Zealand rabbits from body measurements

Predicción del peso en canal al beneficio en conejos Nueva Zelanda a partir de medidas corporales Body measurements and carcass weight

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Montes-Vergara, D. E., Lenis-Valencia, C. P., & Hernandez-Herrera, D. (2020). Prediction of carcass weight at age of slaughtering in New Zealand rabbits from body measurements: Body measurements and carcass weight. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 25(3), e1990.

Donicer Eduardo Montes-Vergara
Claudia Patricia Lenis-Valencia
Darwin Hernandez-Herrera

Objective. Predict the carcass weight at the age of benefit in New Zealand rabbits from body measurements. Materials and methods. In 100 males of the New Zealand (NZ) bred commercially for 60±3 days, with 12-hour fasting, the live weight (PV) of the dorsal (LCDV) and ventral (LCVV) body length, chest perimeter (PTV), spine length (LLV), spine width (ALV), chest width (ATV) head width (ACV) head length (LCV), thigh perimeter (PMV), length thigh (LMV), arm perimeter (PBV) and arm length (LBV) was taken. The rabbits were sacrificed, their hot carcass (PCC) weighed and the same measures described above were taken in the carcass. The measurements were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The hot carcass performance (RCC) was determined. The correlation coefficients for the PCC variable were estimated. A PCC regression equation was established, with the “Stepwise Regression” procedure. Results. The variables in vivo were more homogeneous than in the carcass animal. The RCC was 54.96±4.03%. The highest correlation found with the PCC was the PV (r= 0.84; p<0.0001). The PTV, PTC, PBV, PBV and LCA showed a positive correlation (p<0.02). The regression equation determinate was Yi = 86.5 + 0.52PV - 0.47LCDV - 12.9ACV (R2= 0.97; Cp-Mallows= 2.62, p<0.01). Conclusions. The RCC is similar to other NZ of similar age. The measurements in the live animal better predict the CCP. These results can be used in animal genetic improvement programs.

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