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Community structure of metazoan parasites in the Splittail bass Hemanthias peruanus (Serranidae) from northern Peru

Estructura comunitaria de metazoos parásitos en la doncella Hemanthias peruanus (Serranidae) del norte de Perú

How to Cite
Minaya-Angoma, D., Alvariño-Flores, L., Urbano-Cueva, R. M., & Iannacone, J. (2021). Community structure of metazoan parasites in the Splittail bass Hemanthias peruanus (Serranidae) from northern Peru. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 26(3), e2125.

David Minaya-Angoma
Lorena Alvariño-Flores
Rosa María Urbano-Cueva
Jose Iannacone

Jose Iannacone,

Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Escuela Universitaria de Posgrado, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática, Laboratorio de Ecología y Biodiversidad Animal, Museo de Historia Natural. Grupo de Investigación en Sostenibilidad Ambiental (GISA), Lima, Perú.

Universidad Científica del Sur, Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, Laboratorio de Ingeniería Ambiental, Coastal Ecosystems of Peru Research Group (COEPERU). Lima, Perú.

Universidad Ricardo Palma. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Parasitología. Lima, Perú.

Objective. To assess the community structure of helminths and parasitic crustaceans in the splittail bass Hemanthias peruanus (Steindachner, 1875) from northern Peru. Materials and methods. 75 specimens (34 males and 41 females) of H. peruanus were acquired from Puerto Cabo Blanco, Piura, Peru. Total length and sex data of the fish were recorded. For the analysis of the parasitic community, the ecological parasitological indices, aggregation indices, alpha diversity indices and association between the biometric parameters of the fish and the parasitological indices were calculated. Results. The percentage of total prevalence in maidens infected with at least one parasitic metazoan species was 65.33%, that is, 49 parasitized hosts. The community component of the parasitic eumetazoan fauna in the evaluated fish was dominated by the presence of ectoparasites (3 species of monogeneans and 1 species of isopod) compared to the low abundance of endoparasite species (2 species of trematodes, 1 species of cestoda and 1 species of acanthocephala). Biotic factors such as fish length and sex were not found to be related to parasitological indices of any parasitic species. The lack of association is probably due to the influence of other biotic or abiotic factors. The most prevalent parasites presented an aggregate type distribution. The Chao-1 estimator estimates that the expected richness was eight. Conclusions. We registered H. peruanus as a new host for Ceratothoa gaudichaudii, Corynosoma australe, Parancylodiscoides signifer, Pronotogrammella scholzi and Scolex pleuronectis.

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