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Dairy productivity in milking in the morning, afternoon and total in a semi-stable goat system

Productividad lechera en ordeños de la mañana, tarde y total en un sistema caprino semi estabulado

How to Cite
Hurtado-Lugo, N., Nolasco-Serna, C., & Montes Vergara, D. (2021). Dairy productivity in milking in the morning, afternoon and total in a semi-stable goat system. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 26(2), e2245.

Naudin Hurtado-Lugo
Christian Nolasco-Serna
Donicer Montes Vergara

Objective. The objective of this work was to calculate descriptive statistics of milk yields. Materials and methods. 6733 milk controls were carried in the morning, afternoon and total/day milkings produced by 21 goats saanen, alpina americana and togenburen breeds in a semi stable system located in the Ocaña region, Norte de Santander; Results. Milk yield (milliliters) in the morning, afternoon and daily total was 564.99±242.38, 259.30±112.81 and 824.29±350.07. Also, it was observed that in the non-parametric statistical tests of the probability distribution of the phenotypic expression of the morning, afternoon and daily total yield, they presented highly significant normalities (p<0.0001). Conclusions. the results obtained are in the expected for the species, also, it is suggested that the calculated yield values were possibly influenced by effects not considered in the study.

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