Estimation of the welfare of dairy cattle in the tropics using environmental conditioning criteria
Estimación del bienestar animal del bovino lechero en trópico, mediante criterios de acondicionamiento ambiental
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Objective. To estimate the animal welfare of cattle through environmental conditioning criteria in dairy production units (PU) in Loma Bonita, Oaxaca, Mexico. Materials and methods. The sample consisted of 23 PU, using convenience sampling. The evaluated PU represent 57% of the universe of cattle farms supplying the collection center of the Seguridad Alimentaria Mexicana (SEGALMEX). To obtain the data, interviews were conducted. Fourteen indicators were evaluated covering three environmental criteria of animal welfare: 1) Prolonged absence of hunger; 2) Prolonged absence of thirst; and 3) Location, construction and equipment. This allowed the animal welfare of each PU to be classified into four categories: Excellent, Good, Acceptable and Not classified. To estimate cattle welfare, three steps were followed: 1) Evaluation of criteria related to environmental conditioning; 2) Standardization of values; and 3) Integration of values per criterion. Results. The cattle welfare of the evaluated PU was Excellent (17%); Good (43%); Acceptable (34%) and Not acceptable (6%). Conclusions. Animal welfare in the PU of Loma Bonita, Oaxaca ranges from good to acceptable. Of the 14 welfare indicators analyzed, 11 of them show values higher than 20%, and are therefore considered critical. Of the 14 welfare indicators analyzed, 11 of them show values higher than 20%, so they are considered critical. 95% of the PU show problems in terms of waiting time for cattle before milking and 60% do not have the appropriate width of the exit aisle of the milking parlor.
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