Survival, development, and growth of Penaeus vannamei larvae fed on traditional and non-traditional diets shrimp larvae feeding
Supervivencia, desarrollo y crecimiento de larvas de Penaeus vannamei alimentadas con dietas tradicionales y no-tradicionales
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Objetive. The effect of traditional diets (Thalassiosira weissflogii and Artemia nauplii) and two other alternatives (not traditional) based on microalgae with rotifers were evaluated on the survival, development and growth from nauplii V (NV) larvae until postlarvae (PL1) of Penaeus vannamei. Materials and methods. Sixteen replicates (experimental units) were applied for each of the three diets used. The larvae were placed in 12 L containers at 35 psu, 30°C and a density of 200larvae/L. At the beginning, every 24 h and the end of the experiment (PL1: day 8), samples of larvae were obtained to determine survival, development and growth (length and weight). A one-way ANOVA was applied to the data obtained. Results. Diet had no influence (p>0.05) on survival and weight. Survival ranged from 30.4% (alternative diet B) to 28.5% (traditional diet A). The lowest development, length and weight at PL1 was found with the traditional diet (6.71; 3.53 mm; 58.37 µm/organism) compared with the alternative diets supplied B and C (6.86-6.76; 3.79-3.82 mm; 60.7-65.0 µm/organism. Conclusions. Non-traditional alternative diet (B and C) composed of rotifers was the best diet for larval survival, development and growth.
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