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Determination of microbiological and sensory parameters of fish fillets with propolis preserved under refrigeration

Determination of microbiological and sensory parameters of fish fillets with propolis preserved under refrigeration

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Suarez M, H., Jiménez T, Álvaro, & Díaz M, C. (2014). Determination of microbiological and sensory parameters of fish fillets with propolis preserved under refrigeration. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 19(3), 4214-4225.

Héctor Suarez M
Álvaro Jiménez T
Consuelo Díaz M


Objective: To determine the ability of propolis preservative cachama fillets during refrigerated storage. Materials and method. Ethanol extracts of propolis (EEP) were used in cachama fillets. The treatments included: i) 96% ethanol alcohol as the control; ii) 0.8% EEP; iii) 1.2% EEP; and iv) liquid smoke. A in vitro analysis was used to determine the inhibitory effect of propolis on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp. and Clostridium sp. and on the fish matrix to determine the mesophiles, psychrotrophiles, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, sulphite reducing spores and the presence of Salmonella. Results. The results of the in vitro analysis demonstrated the control that the EEP had over the evaluated microorganisms without presenting significant differences between the different concentrations (p>0.05). The analyses of the fish fillet matrix presented acceptable contents for the evaluated microorganisms in the treatments with EEP. A different situation was seen in the treatment with liquid smoke and the control, which had samples that where rejected after 20 days of storage. The sensory analysis showed acceptance for the samples with EEP until the end of the storage period but low marks for the treatment with liquid smoke and the control. Conclusions. The EEP used in this study could be effective for the control of Gram positive bacteria and some Gram negative bacteria that are present in cachama fillets; and could be an alternative to the use of chemical preservatives.

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