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Analysis of the variation of milk quality in Colombia 2008-2019

Análisis de la variación de la calidad de leche en Colombia 2008-2019

How to Cite
Usuga R, A. F., Barrios-Hernández, D., Botero-Aguirre, M. C., Lopera-Castaño, M., Olivera-Angel, M., & Palacio-Baena, L. G. (2021). Analysis of the variation of milk quality in Colombia 2008-2019. Journal MVZ Cordoba, 26(2), e2005.

Andres Felipe Usuga R
Dursun Barrios-Hernández
Mónica Cecilia Botero-Aguirre
Mauricio Lopera-Castaño
Martha Olivera-Angel
Luis Guillermo Palacio-Baena

Objective. by regions in the hygienic and compositional quality of milk collected in a formal way in Colombia between 2008-2019 associated with the issuance and entry into force of regulatory regulations. Materials and methods. 144 monthly reports on the hygienic and compositional quality of the milk collected formally were used for each of the milk-producing regions of Colombia consolidated by the USP-MADR. With these reports, three study periods were formed, separated by the entry into force of resolutions 017 of 2012 and 468 of 2015. The data obtained was analyzed under the quantile regression scheme. Results. Differences were found between the analyzed periods for the parameters of hygienic quality and compositional quality in each region. Hygienic quality represented the highest variation, being more evident in region 2. There were differences in the compositional quality of milk collected formally in Colombia between the periods associated with the entry into force of the regulations, mainly in region 1. Conclusions. It was evidenced that the entry into force of the regulations exerted influence on the parameters of hygienic and compositional quality of milk collected formally in Colombia.

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